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CBT Skills for Distressing Physical Symptoms ANNUAL Access Renewal

This subscription is available for past participants of CBT Skills for Distressing Physical Symptoms that are not ready to say goodbye. Subscribe in order to continue your access to:

  • The course content including UPDATES and ADDITIONS
  • Our community for ongoing DISCUSSION and SUPPORT
  • Lara's monthly office hours for ongoing COACHING

Benefits of this subscription plan

Come back to key lessons, resources, and examples

When obstacles arise in practice, be confident that you can return to the lessons and resources you most need for review!

Get support from your peers

Keep visiting the discussion board to reflect on your progress and get support with obstacles

Get ongoing coaching

Keep coming to office hours or send along your questions and access the recording. Continue getting expert support with integrating CBT skills into your practice

Just want a few more months?Renew MONTHLY!

Renew your access to the course content, discussion board and Lara's office hours month to month. Cancel any time!