
Welcome to AMP's Centre of Education!

Our Courses

ReaDy, set, grow!


AMP's vision is to be a centre of education that creates the best healthcare professionals in the world. The goal here is to create an ecosystem of learning and growth where the goal is to move healthcare professionals along the continuum from developing to mastery level and beyond. It is here where you can find courses, training programs and resources that are designed to provide you with learning opportunities that set the stage for your success.
 Learning Psychology and Behavioral science

Transform information into understanding, knowledge, and wisdom.

How do we learn more effectively? What can we do to own information? How do we know when we have actually got it? These questions and others like it inspire how AMP thoughtfully creates its learning events. By weaving in the principles of learning psychology and behavioural science, your learning journey is designed to be high signal, pragmatic, and immersive so you get what need to reach your goals.
From developing to mastery

Optimizing Learning

For effective learning to take place, there are several key ingredients. We want to assess where we are at and re-test at later dates, we want to pre-heat our current knowledge on a topic, come back to essential questions, engage in ongoing reflection, practice handling concepts and new skills over and over again, have discussions, and transfer new knowledge to other contexts. These ingredients and many others like it are baked into the learning experience to ensure learning actually happens. 


Accelerate your learning

AMP Healthcare Education is a proud partner with Tall Tree Health. AMP’s mission is to support healthcare nerds to learn deeply, practice more skillfully, and save Canadian healthcare. AMP provides roster of courses instructed by leaders in the field, key clinical resources, practice changing blogs and more. 


If you have a question or feedback, please don't hesitate to contact us. 

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