Behaviour Change in Practice: The Essentials (Behaviour Change Master Bundle Access)
1 year access
1 year access
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Who is this for?
Any Healthcare provider
Any Healthcare provider
Your Instructor
Dr. Jo Epping-Jordan RPsych
Mode of Delivery
Pillars of Excellence
Behavioural Science
In healthcare, behavioral science is crucial for patient adherence and successful outcomes. Learn proven techniques to engage and empower patients to achieve their goals.
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What our learners say
Dr. E Yousaf, MD
Dr. Nathan Ruisz, RPsych
Meet your Instructor
Dr. Epping-Jordan obtained a doctorate in psychology from the University of Vermont, where she researched the psychological impact of cancer on patients and their families and worked directly with those affected by cancer. She then completed a clinical internship and post-doctoral fellowship at the University of California San Diego School of Medicine, where she received additional specialized training in health psychology, with a focus on the management of chronic pain.
Afterwards, she worked for more than 10 years at the World Health Organization's headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland as part of its mental health policy and service development team, then leading WHO's global initiative on improving health care for chronic conditions, and finally as a WHO senior adviser for chronic diseases and health promotion. She played instrumental roles in several WHO projects to transform health care delivery systems towards comprehensive, patient-centered care, and raise the profile of mental disorders and chronic conditions in the global health agenda. She is the author of numerous WHO reports and scientific publications.
Afterwards, she worked for more than 10 years at the World Health Organization's headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland as part of its mental health policy and service development team, then leading WHO's global initiative on improving health care for chronic conditions, and finally as a WHO senior adviser for chronic diseases and health promotion. She played instrumental roles in several WHO projects to transform health care delivery systems towards comprehensive, patient-centered care, and raise the profile of mental disorders and chronic conditions in the global health agenda. She is the author of numerous WHO reports and scientific publications.